Thursday 17 December 2015


Here is my final magazine cover design in progress.
As time goes on I will be editing the front cover in order to make it as professional looking as possible . I will be using many Photoshop editing options to help me enhance both the main image and the layout of the magazine itself. For example I will use filters, airbrush tools and many other editing techniques to enhance the main image to make more aesthetically pleasing , in order to intrigue the target audience as by making them take a second glance at the magazine as they would be looking at a more interesting image.

Monday 14 December 2015


Here is a draft design of my magazine .
the purpose of this design is to act as a simple template , which will remind me of all the features I must include, in the making of my final design.
these features are: top banner, masthead sell lines, barcode,  chosen font style,
a colour scheme which consists of black gold and white to meet the conventions of R&B music magazine. The price of the magazine is also included on the front cover, in red.

Saturday 12 December 2015

front cover design ideas

Here is a sketch of how my front cover could potentially look.
this sketch evidently has all the features all magazines must have. Such as a masthead which has most preferred font style by my target audience through the survey I did. This magazine sketch also has sell lines, a bar code , the price of the magazine and a consistent colour scheme; which are black, white and yellow/gold.
the main image sketched also suggests that my magazine can potentially have a group of individuals ranging from 2-4 on the front cover of the magazine. This front cover sketch evidently has 3 individuals.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Photo shoot ideas / a trip to bricklane ( a potential location for the photoshoot)

 these pictures are experimental pictures I took, whilst I was on a short trip to Brick lane ,exploring locations for the most appropriate venue for the magazine photo-shoot. I Decided to take this trip because I needed an inspirational venue for my photo-shoot, because I believe that the location of the photo-shoot is very important as it adds to the quality of the image. This therefore makes the main image appear more powerful.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

organisation of (artists) actors and, locations, costumes and props

Preparing for the magazine  front cover photo-shoot.

 Organisation :

 I have selected both male and female actors to model for the front cover photo-shoot.

Below  are some  examples of the chosen actors...

 male actor/model 1   


female actor/model 1



The  location of the photo-shoot will be in several settings, which includes a brightly light room, out doors in a garden, and brightly light corridors with plain backgrounds.

The costumes for the photo-shoot will aim to match the conventions found in R&B music which is the music genre the of this magazine.

The theme /style of the  costumes  will include a variety of  classy clothing to urban clothing, to meet the diverse codes and conventions found in R&B music.

Hoddie: This represents the urban         Winter Classy Fur Jacket: This represents the
 edge R&B conventions have                                   classy aspects of R&B music.


Makeup is also going to be used on the actors, to make them look more aesthetically pleasing.


 Props which will be used will be musical instruments, such as a piano, and a bench which the actors will sit/pose on.