Friday 29 January 2016

Final magazine cover improved

From the critiques I received from the Professional magazine designer, which was that I remove the large space which was between both models.I decided to retake the photograph, in order to avoid the large space which was previously between the models.

A Professional judgement on my magazine cover.

I received feedback from a professional magazine director Ben Slater from glass magazine
some of the comments made were that the magazine  seemed to have a strong personality,He also liked the highlighted fonts and the simple font style.He also mentioned that the whole appearance of the magazine looks very gritty and urban making it interesting.The image on the cover also strikes his interest as he commented on how effective the facial expressions of the artists is as they have tension between them.The title/ masthead was also regarded to as very unique as the font style was bold and interesting looking.The feed back i received is at 2:01.
Ben slater also wanted me to make some improvements on the magazine by simply taking away the extra gap there is between the image and masthead. I agree with his criticism so i will make sure i reduce the wall space by taking another photograph of the artists/models.

Friday 22 January 2016

final mag arranging texts

The texts on the cover is being carefully arranged in order to give the magazine a professional quality . I am using both the grid and ruler on Photoshop to achieve this aim.

Thursday 21 January 2016


Here is the improvement i have made on the final magazine cover.As it maybe obvious in my previous updates i have included more texts/sell-lines with the aim of helping the audience understand what the articles within the magazine would entail, and encourage the audience to buy the magazine. since my previous update i have limited the amount of font style used on the page, to just three.For example, the masthead has a font style distorted (, whilst the rest of the font styles are Big noodle( I chose these two simple yet strong fonts because i want the audience  with bad eye to be able to clearly read the texts without any difficulty. For this reason the font sizes are 'medium' aside the masthead this is to help intrigue the audience's eyes from even a long distance.

Monday 18 January 2016

improvements being made

In my previous improvement of the magazine cover page, I had various types of font style, which made the cover page look incredibly unprofessional. For this reason I have changed all the font style to only two different types of font style in order to gain a more professional look . I decided to use the font style : verdna, as it is simple and very easy to read, therefore my audience will not find any difficulties reading the information presented . I have just noticed that the font style is too thick, making the words look plain. For this reason I will make sure that I will make it thinner, in order to make it more simple , as this will be more aesthetically pleasing. 

Friday 15 January 2016

improvements added

Although i have improved the magazine front cover by adding more texts/ information, the arrangements of the texts makes the page look very chaotic.Also there are too many different   font styles used on the front cover making the page look too busy and unprofessional.For this reason i will ensure that in my next update i  show an improvement on this issue by limiting the amount of different font styles there is.

Thursday 14 January 2016


Since my previous updates on improvements made of this magazine front cover,  I have been able to add more texts. The positioning of a few texts have been made e.g. the top banner has been moved to the bottom of the page, making it a bottom banner. Whilst a whole new text has been added in its replacement. A bar code and the cost of the magazine has also been included on the cover page as part of the improvements been made on the layout of the magazine.

Thursday 7 January 2016

editing the magazine

working on improving the design of the magazine 
In contrast to the first attempt of the final magazine cover design, this design shows that I have made many changes such as changing the masthead style. I changed the font style from  this :
to the font style distorted :
despite the original font style being the most favoured by my target audience this change had to be made as, this font was simply too thin to appear boldly from the gold background it had.