Friday 29 January 2016

A Professional judgement on my magazine cover.

I received feedback from a professional magazine director Ben Slater from glass magazine
some of the comments made were that the magazine  seemed to have a strong personality,He also liked the highlighted fonts and the simple font style.He also mentioned that the whole appearance of the magazine looks very gritty and urban making it interesting.The image on the cover also strikes his interest as he commented on how effective the facial expressions of the artists is as they have tension between them.The title/ masthead was also regarded to as very unique as the font style was bold and interesting looking.The feed back i received is at 2:01.
Ben slater also wanted me to make some improvements on the magazine by simply taking away the extra gap there is between the image and masthead. I agree with his criticism so i will make sure i reduce the wall space by taking another photograph of the artists/models.

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