Friday 12 February 2016

contents page

I have improved the layout of the texts on the page by rearranging texts which are evidently disorganised in my previous uploads on the progression of the magazine.

Thursday 11 February 2016

contents page in progress

Despite making improvements on the contents page since the previous upload, i will ensure that I change the main image of the contents page, as the image is blurry therefore it is of a disgraceful quality. Nonetheless, the layout of the page and the information included would remain the same.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

contents page in progress.

Here is a basic/starting layout of the contents page. As it may or not be obvious I have managed to take inspiration from billboard magazine contents page as I have included features such as the weekly chart ranking, which I have titled "number one on the charts" . I decided to include this feature because I had suggestions to include the latest music winning on the charts including the artists, from my target audience research,;based on what the audience preferred the contents page to have.
At the moment I have included, a main image which also serves as the background, alongside three other sub-images of "artists". The bight colour background in which the main image is on is purposefully placed to make the page more lively. Furthermore I chose to include images in this contents page as not only is it a convention but I find it an interactive way of audience staying intrigued by the information presented to them. The title of the contents page is simply "CONTENTS". This is to make the purpose of the page very obvious to the audience, aside this obvious indication, I also chose the easy to read font style "big noodle"( the major texts/titles on the page, as I want them the reader to be able to easily recognise it and read without any difficulty. Hence why I have taken people with bad eyesight into consideration. The three major colour scheme on this contents page are red, black and white including the green background of the main image.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Starting my contents page

I have completed the charts Colum, using the researched information I had from the billboard magazine website. On the latest highest rankings of songs and their artists.  on the next upload in I will ensure that I include more information on the contents page or make any necessary improvements on the page and its layout.

changes made on the contents page

Here is the current update of the contents page. In avoidance the magazine from appearing unprofessional and rushed ,I have changed the main image because the previous image was of a very poor quality, and the lens on the camera did not was not focused on the model, so the image appeared blurry.I have also included more information on the contents page and I sought to continue to do so. In my next update i will ensure that all the necessary features of the contents page including informative texts are all included on this page.

Sunday 7 February 2016

organisation of (artists) actors and, locations, costumes and props for the contents page

Preparing for the magazine contents page.


 I have selected both male and female actors to model for the contents  photo-shoot.

Below  are some  examples of the chosen actors...

male/female model/actor/artist


The  location of the photo-shoot will be in several settings, which includes a brightly light room with a prop, out doors(actor/model posing on  bench for an urban effect) and brightly light corridors with plain backgrounds.

The costumes for the photo-shoot will aim to match the conventions found in R&B music which is the music genre the of this magazine.

The theme /style of the  costumes  will include a variety of  classy clothing to urban clothing, to meet the diverse codes and conventions found in R&B music.

 This represents the classy codes and conventions of R&B music.         
 This represents the urban edge found in the convention of R&B music.

Make up:

Makeup is also going to be used on the actors, to make them look more aesthetically pleasing.

Saturday 6 February 2016

researching contents/ music chart for the contents page.

Here is a research I made on the latest music chart for contents page. This information is from the billboard magazine (online). I made this research on the billboard magazine website I wanted the information on the ranking of the latest hits from reliable sources. This information would be placed on the left-hand side of the contents page of the magazine.

Monday 1 February 2016

Researching the codes and conventions of a contents page

conventions found on contents pages   are :

Issue date and issue number

Issue date and issue number: They are placed on either the top or bottom of the page to help the audience understand the edition of the  magazine they are reading.


"Contents": This word is boldly used on the page to indicate the purpose of the page to the reader, to avoid any confusion, as the  reader will understand  that all the necessary information will be given on the contents page to  help them navigate through the magazine.The  font style ,size and colour often contrasts with the other texts on the page to make it outstanding and easily recognised by the reader.

main image

main image: The main image used on the contents page often suggests the   artists will be an important feature  in the magazine as a whole.The main image is often placed in the middle of the page and framed  by other texts and smaller images or it is either on the lft or right hand side of the page.

magazine name

Magazine name: The name of the magazine is often placed on top of the page as an advertisement tool, which aims to remind the reader to always buy/read the magazine as it has interesting information.

Category headings

 Category headings: This is usually on the bottom of the page and often included information o offers and  completions on the page, or subscriptions too.


Specials: They are often in a different font style or colour, this makes the reader understand the importance of the information. These contain features and interviews.

page numbers

-Page numbers are always placed beside headlines to help the reader know where they will find the articles they are interested in reading. They are often in a different colour to the headline texts.

website name

-The name of  the magazine's website is also placed on the bottom of the page as it acts as an extra information option for the audience.

-Quotes from interviews  are also sometimes placed on the contents to make the reader excited to read the article.

An example of a content page is:

Annotating contents page/ Research

Here is a mood board of different professional music magazine contents page layout. This is to help inspire me on the designs of my own magazine contents page.