Friday 23 October 2015

A trip to the magazine store

I took a trip to the magazine store because i wanted to get first hand inspiration from the magazines for my own preparation for the school magazine and the music magazine i am yet to make.

Here is an article I found very interesting whilst I researched about magazines

George W. Bush Laughed When Asked About Kanye West's 2020 Presidential Campaign

"Former president George W. Bush and Kanye West haven't exactly had a great relationship -- mostly as a result of the call out heard 'round the world, when West said during a Hurricane Katrina telethon, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Bush would later call the incident "one of the most disgusting moments of my presidency." For clarity, two wars began during his time in office, as well as the worst financial crisis since the Great D
West recently expressed his intent to run for president in 2020, a declaration that most politicians have treated somewhat gingerly -- Hillary Clinton said if she's not running for re-election, she'd get behind him, and Donald Trump said, "I hope to run against him someday."expression"

I find this magazine article very interesting as it seems be giving very reliable information about the events that took place. This is because their website even provided a video which shows exactly what happened. This therefore makes the magazine a reliable and interesting source of entertainment. 

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