Monday 5 October 2015

magazine cover plan

Deciding on my magazine mass head/title

Title one: Haggerston daily.
Title two:School magazine.
Title three: News around.

I decided to choose "Haggerston daily" as the mass head title of my magazine. This I figured it sounds more professional, and also personal to the school as the name of the school is included, and this will therefore grab the interest of the audience which is the school community as they will feel that all the issues concerns them. My font choice also contributes to the aim of grabbing the audiences interest as it simple, easy to read and yet stylish, in a white colour as I wanted it to stand out boldly from the background.

Here are some examples of magazine covers I researched, in  order to inspire me whilst I make my own.



Deciding on a front cover image, from my photo shoot.

Photo-shoot one

Although this image appears very fine, and clear as it is simple close up shot of the student, i am not very pleased with the background of the main image as it doesn't appear to look very professional because the background is not plain and simple but rather busy, even though it supports the idea of a school magazine having elements of school facilities/objects e.g. desks and chairs .For this reason i will not be using this image as the magazine front cover .

Photo-shoot two

This image appears good as its low angle shot allows us the audience to clearly see the students face/facial expression, it appears blurry so i will not be able to to use it as my front cover for the school magazine I'm desinging. how ever this image image to use as the magazine cover as it shows the student being focused ;which is something that is expected to from school.

Photo-shoot three

This image also appaers to be a good medium-shot. This is because it is  a very clear image and the background does not seem to be very un professional.However i don't like the facial expression so i will therefore not be using this image as my front cover .

Photo-shoot four

This image looks incredibly professional as there aren't any distructing background objects which draws attention away from the main image.However i will not be using this image as it is unfortunately blurry, so it will make my magazine cover look very amature if it was used.

Photo-shoot five

This image seems very perfect as it is not blurry, and the facial expression of the main image is not disappointing,therefore i will use this image as my front cover as it looks convincingly professional as the student in the image relates to the prop which this the piano very well, as she looks focused and  interested in the piano.this means that is image will make the cover page of the magazine look exciting and relevant to its purpose.

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