Friday 15 April 2016

Almost complete version of the double page spread.

Although this update looks complete, from the feedback I had from my target audience, and other people, I noticed that the quotes on the page were too many and looked cluttered making the page look un professional. For this reason on my next update I will reduce the amount of quotes on the page as  I believe that it will be less distracting for the reader and they will focus on the article rather than the quote. The font style of the quotes will be also changed into a bolder  font style which will make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye as they will be able to easily read it. The main image on the page does not look professional as the image appears to be  "stretched out" making the image be of  a poor quality. For tis reason on my next update I will make sure that I re-take a photograph of the model/artist in the same costume and posing in the same position, with the aim of improving the quality of the image.

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