Wednesday 27 April 2016

Final complete version of the double spread page.

-since my previous update I have improved the double page spread by deleting the excessive amount of quotes on the page to make the page appear less cluttered and more professional. I have also ensured that the font style and sizes of the quotes are different to the previous ones ass the previous ones I had were not very aesthetically pleasing and ruined the whole house style of the page as it degraded it.
-I chose to use the font colour red and a black background to show the audience the importance of the presence of the quotes hence, the large bold font sizes they appear in..
- To enhance the quality of the construction of the page further , I rearranged the positioning of the articles in columns to help make the contents on the page look sharp and presentable to the audience.


  1. Hey, this is a really good double page spread. Wow i love it the colour scheme goes very well, the costume is very suitable and i love your font choice.

  2. Its a interesting blog, I like o read it.
    Thanks for share with us,

    12th NIOS Admission 2018

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